What is selling concept? - letsdiskuss
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Yamini Agrawal

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What is selling concept?


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The firm's which follow the selling concepts believes that in order to make a customer buy a product he or she need to be convention customer can be convinced by undertaking some aggressive selling and promotional efforts. Which selling concept of firm can make a small buy something even when the customer has no intention of buying it. Firms relying on selling concept make use of advertising powers and others techniques to influence the customers.

Selling concept means selling what you have. Selling concentrates on the requirement in need of producer and sell whatever is produced. They do not try to find out the requirement or needs of the customers. Understanding the primary motive of sellers to convert the goods into cash by using fair or unfair Methods. The firms following selling concept must know that buyer cannot be manipulated many times. Once the customer wrongly convinced can spoil the image of the firm. So selling can be succeed in the short run but not in the long run.


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